Blessed Salt is a sacramental that it seems many Catholics are not aware of.
Here is one video about it in English:
Here are some internet resources to learn about it:
To obtain Blessed Salt, you should visit your Catholic Priest and bring him a container of salt and ask him to bless it.
Below is information I found about Blessed Salt:
Blessed Salt is an instrument of grace to preserve one from the corruption of evil occurring as sin, sickness, demonic influence, etc.
Like all Sacramentals, its power comes not from the sign itself, but by means of the Church's official (liturgical, not private) prayer of blessing -- a power the Church derives from Christ Himself.
As the Vatican II document on the Liturgy states, both Sacraments & Sacramenta's sanctify us, not of themselves, but by power flowing from the redemptive act of Jesus, elicited by the Church's intercession to be directed through those external signs & elements.
Therefore, Sacramentals like Blessed Salt, Holy Water, Blessed Medals, etc., are not to be used superstitiously as having self-contained power, but as 'focus points' funneling one's faith toward Jesus, just like a flag is used as a focus point of patriotism.
Thus, used non-superstitiously, modest amounts of Blessed Salt may be sprinkled in one's bedroom, or across thresholds to prevent burglary, in cars for safety, etc.
A few grains of Blessed Salt in drinking water or used in cooking or as food seasoning often bring astonishing spiritual & physical benefits.
As with the use of Sacraments, much depends on the faith & devotion of the person using salt or any Sacramental. This faith must be Jesus-centered, as was the faith of the blind man in John 9; he had faith in Jesus, not in the mud & spittle used by Jesus to heal him.
Any amount of salt may be presented to a priest for his blessing using the following official prayer from the Roman Ritual:
"Almighty God, we ask you to bless this salt, as once you blessed the salt scattered over the water by the prophet Elisha. Wherever this salt (& water) is sprinkled, drive away the power of evil, & protect us always by the presence of your Holy Spirit. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen"
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